about the project

Maria Brovarnaya
Эмоции - довольно сложная и спорная тема. Почему именно ее вы взяли в основу Breathe?
Yes, people still don’t know as much about emotions as they would like. But emotions are the language of our soul, our nature. Feeling something is as natural as breathing. Hence the name - Breathe, that is, “Breathe.” I wanted to give people the opportunity to become more familiar with this part of themselves and let them understand how dramatically it can change their life. After all, when we begin to understand our emotions, new horizons open up. It's like learning a new language - the richer your vocabulary, the brighter and richer your world.
What turning point inspired you to create the project?
I had a crisis in my relationship. The pain and the fear of being left alone with my children in a foreign country made me dive deeper into my emotions. Then I realized that in order to change something, you must first learn to listen to yourself and trust yourself.
To change something, you must first learn to listen to yourself and trust yourself
How did the idea for Breathe come about?
It all started from my desire to know myself more deeply. For a long time I lived in my “house”: I had a small cosmetics business, I raised children, I felt inseparable from the family. But at one point I realized that somewhere along the way I had lost my own voice. I started working with a psychologist, and that’s where my journey into the world of emotions began.
“Emotions are the language of our soul, our nature”

We are building the Breathe brand:
through the prism of three main values
- health, care and self-development.
We are building the Breathe brand:
through the prism of three main values
- health, care and self-development.

This is our first product and everyone on the Breathe team put their heart and soul into creating it. He is the only one on the market who allows you to recognize and experience 50 emotions, feelings and states. Breathe:bot is very cute: it gently reminds you to pay attention to yourself, gives a lot of support and motivation.
It is designed to support you in everyday situations, helping you recognize and analyze emotions in the moment.
How do you evaluate the success of the project?
Success for us is, first of all, changes in the lives of our participants. We see them become more confident, calmer and open to new opportunities. This is our main inspiration to continue working.
How exactly does the Breathe project help users?
We offer practical tools and knowledge to help people understand themselves more deeply, better cope with emotional challenges and build more harmonious relationships with themselves and others.
For example, Breathe:bot. This is a digital assistant for Telegram.
We are also about to launch a new format - the “Strength Within” practice group. People write to us that they do not have enough support and help to get into the habit of practicing themselves regularly. Therefore, we decided to create such a space for live communication and joint practice. There we will share experiences, together learn to understand ourselves and others and create a supportive, warm circle of like-minded people. Of course, under the guidance of professional psychologists. I can’t wait to start, I think it will be very cool!
Breathe: strives to create a safe space for people's emotions